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Datingafter35 18-02-2022 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by cdcdcdc (Post 21092333)
As the title suggested, I'm trying to get over an ML, because I've been KC it's damaging for me.

After few visits, I unlocked ML and FJ with her a few times, but start to develop feelings for her and start to feel jealous over small things, like when she is fully book and had no slot to accommodate me, when bros took her out to buy stuff, when she posts photos of herself in other bro's expensive car, when she told me what things bro buy for her and how much they cost etc..

The jealousy has become so bad it affecting my work, i'm neglected my hobbies, neglect spending time with my old age parents, neglecting fitness. I am mid 30s and single btw so forever alone. But she allowing me to FJ makes me feel great about myself. I know last time got xiao pang story, i also scared become like that. Somemore she also let me raw her wor.. But I scared so quickly pull out after a while.. Need to see Dr Tan soon liao.. But why she let me raw her makes me think that there is meaning behind this.. Then xiao pang experience says all working gals are liddat.. Say all the same thing to all bros that they are the only one but actually behind back do to so many other guys T.T

I try to delete her from wechat but can't bear to do so.. Tehn after delete she still come and message me, cos i nv turn on the request permission thing option.. Now i feel like i'm in a loss, i am not sure what to do from here. Go find other MLs also not so right, cos end up still the same outcome. Delete and block her i also can't bear.. Heart painzz..

Wao. Thanks. I'm glad I'm living it real although I am dry and wallet full.

cdcdcdc 24-02-2022 12:47 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Thank you everyone who has contributed to this post. While it wasn't written in a poetic nor sophisticated fashion, neither was the follow-up post (which I decided to delete because it feels like a 15-16 year old's writing to some readers), this truly has been how I felt at the moment of writing. Bro Williamshakespear got it right and I quote:


no Human wants to live a lonely life. It is our weakness, & thus easily exploited by others thru our weaknesses, more so for those whom have ulterior motives such as monetary gain, eg-insurance agents.
I guess he pretty much sums up my experience during these few weeks of "turmoil".

Being infatuated at the start due to special services provided already has a lot to do with me feeling lonely and my level of self-esteem. Truth be told, I have no friends, partly by choice, let alone female counterparts. The jealousy when she posts moments of gifts given by other customers and pictures of her sitting in another customer's car, probably have to with naivety, thinking I'm the special one.

Although I've been active in this scene for a number of years now, I still don't have the maturity to deal with my own emotions, and resorted to chionging even more, even her roommate (probably the biggest waste of money to date), just to get over her. In hindsight, I don't know how finding her roommate would have made me feel better, maybe an avenue for us to find things to quarrel about hence easier to let go perhaps.

Sadly the roommate incident actually made me feel even worse about myself. I do feel like a bad person, provoking her in such a way when all she's done is giving me extras and never asking for more. Don't get me wrong, I do tip her. Call me cheapskate, sheltered, whatever you want, but I always give whatever amount I could give.

But if the intended outcome was to get over her, I'd say visiting the roommate to some extent was money well-spent. Her taking the mickey out of me on Vday, and blaming me further for not waiting an hour for her really pissed me off. And the final straw was in order to make up to her for all the misdeeds I've committed, I'd pay her rent, take her out for a meal and buy her presents. Yea I'm cheapskate, but I was staring down the long road of ruin, considering my own circumstances.

I'm not sure if she ever said anything after I told her I won't be taking her out that night, because I logged out of my wechat for a few days, and understand that wechat only keep unread messages for up to 3 days or something. All I can say is, I think I'm in a better place now. Though not totally out of the woods, cos I do think of those 'special moments' every now and then. But I'm slowly coming to terms that this is something not worth pursuing. Us not talking since then and her not replying to my comments on her moments have helped as well.

At this precise moment, I do feel bad for (1) provoking her by visiting the baby elephant roommate and (2) not making it up to her by paying her rent, take her shopping etc. Wonder if I should just let it go and disappear or give another apology and then disappear.. At the end of the day I do want to wish her well, though visiting her again is unlikely..

Willamshakspear 24-02-2022 01:57 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by cdcdcdc (Post 21120425)

At this precise moment, I do feel bad for (1) provoking her by visiting the baby elephant roommate and (2) not making it up to her by paying her rent, take her shopping etc. Wonder if I should just let it go and disappear or give another apology and then disappear.. At the end of the day I do want to wish her well, though visiting her again is unlikely..

Always remember you are a customer & it had only been a mutually agreed upon business transaction between 2 parties - money for service rendered. As a customer, you DO have a choice - to buy her services or buy from another. As she who provides a service, she knows full well what she is into, as she had proven she had other customers-cars, gifts, etc, akin to Shen Siong Supermarket knowing you are not their only customer, & would only love you for handing over Yusoff Ishak to them for purchases, & not you alone.

Secondly, as it had been a business transaction - you owe her NOTHING. Any special services she provided for you was CALCULATED for a means to wrap you around her finger & control you.

So long as you paid for her services agreed upon, the deal is done when the service is honestly completed, you can walk away with head held high & no guilt. the way we would buy a cup of coffee, paid for it, drink it and then go away with no feelings of owing anything to the coffeeshop, the coffee maker, the importer/exporter of coffee, the growers of coffee or the coffee plantation owner.

There never was love involved, or only 1 sided love/lust-from you. If she had loved you, she would never open up her private parts to another, more so on a daily basis, or luxuriating with other men with their gifts & even daring to show it on social media to you, whom had been a lonely but honest man enough to care for her. which is & will only be unreciprocated.

cdcdcdc 24-02-2022 02:33 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by Willamshakspear (Post 21120469)
Always remember you are a customer & it had only been a mutually agreed upon business transaction between 2 parties - money for service rendered. As a customer, you DO have a choice - to buy her services or buy from another. As she who provides a service, she knows full well what she is into, as she had proven she had other customers-cars, gifts, etc, akin to Shen Siong Supermarket knowing you are not their only customer, & would only love you for handing over Yusoff Ishak to them for purchases, & not you alone.

Secondly, as it had been a business transaction - you owe her NOTHING. Any special services she provided for you was CALCULATED for a means to wrap you around her finger & control you.

So long as you paid for her services agreed upon, the deal is done when the service is honestly completed, you can walk away with head held high & no guilt.

Thanks. I have screenshot this to remind myself of the reality. About time I go back to do stuff that I've neglected since meeting her in mid Jan; gym, my language class, running etc.

PrivateRyan 26-04-2022 03:38 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Best way to forget her is to find a better 1, so many in market sure can find

HeyHo 24-05-2022 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by cdcdcdc (Post 21092333)
As the title suggested, I'm trying to get over an ML, because I've been KC it's damaging for me.

After few visits, I unlocked ML and FJ with her a few times, but start to develop feelings for her and start to feel jealous over small things, like when she is fully book and had no slot to accommodate me, when bros took her out to buy stuff, when she posts photos of herself in other bro's expensive car, when she told me what things bro buy for her and how much they cost etc..

The jealousy has become so bad it affecting my work, i'm neglected my hobbies, neglect spending time with my old age parents, neglecting fitness. I am mid 30s and single btw so forever alone. But she allowing me to FJ makes me feel great about myself. I know last time got xiao pang story, i also scared become like that. Somemore she also let me raw her wor.. But I scared so quickly pull out after a while.. Need to see Dr Tan soon liao.. But why she let me raw her makes me think that there is meaning behind this.. Then xiao pang experience says all working gals are liddat.. Say all the same thing to all bros that they are the only one but actually behind back do to so many other guys T.T

I try to delete her from wechat but can't bear to do so.. Tehn after delete she still come and message me, cos i nv turn on the request permission thing option.. Now i feel like i'm in a loss, i am not sure what to do from here. Go find other MLs also not so right, cos end up still the same outcome. Delete and block her i also can't bear.. Heart painzz..

You aready say she fully booked?
Enough say hahahaha

EtherC 24-05-2022 10:22 PM

End of the day we come out to chiong for what? Its for novelty, fun , sperm release & excitement. Not worth feeling sour over this sh|t. You got cash & time to burn? Instead of spending time as a Hooker Romeo why don’t you try & donate to a charity & help some less privileged people. You’ll feel much better.

Peacekeeping 25-05-2022 01:34 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by EtherC (Post 21318286)
End of the day we come out to chiong for what? Its for novelty, fun , sperm release & excitement. Not worth feeling sour over this sh|t. You got cash & time to burn? Instead of spending time as a Hooker Romeo why don’t you try & donate to a charity & help some less privileged people. You’ll feel much better.

Agree. Just live a more meaningful life. No point creating problems for yourself.

minator 31-05-2022 01:35 AM

Sounds like you may have something else causing some depressive episodes outside of this ML bro.


Originally Posted by Willamshakspear (Post 21092652)
No mortal is perfect, & we often make mistakes to learn. But it will be a tragedy if one refuses to acknowledge, learn from mistakes, find corrective measures but continue to make the same mistakes again & again....

Losing money is ok. It's only paper value. What is lost can be gained back the next day thru intelligence & hardwork. However, if one loses one mind thru emotions, then it will be a long journey to regain one's sanity.

Keep calm. Not all is lost yet. That you realized the mistake you made is the 1st step to the journey of return. The next step will be to go 'cold turkey'.

It is not easy as we often are ruled by the heart & not by our gifted cold clinical & methodical brain. A simple text message is enough to shatter the resolve to break away from her.

There need not be any feelings of guilt if you ignored her. We Sporeans follow a simple golden principle-to hurt no one & not be hurt by anyone. That you woke up to being a victim of KC by a beautiful nightlife operator proves you are not the guilty party.

She too knows the game well - one can fool another for a time, but NOT all the time. She will squeeze you for all its worth emotionally, & back away if you no longer respond to her, and will find another victim to prey upon.

In this hard hearted game, she is motivated by $$$, to earn as much as she can while still able before her looks & ability fades away, thus she has no guilt. Any guilt would be that she made mistakes in revealing her hand too early & failed to string you & your money longer.

Therefore, go 'cold turkey'. Ignore her, delete her pics & number. Avoid going to her workplace. FOCUS back on your family & career, on areas where you are found lacking in, to improve upon them, step by step. There is more than enough to keep your mind busy in. Any free time you have, take up a course - learn another language, a skill, a hobby - purpose is to keep you mind focused and forget about her.

Time will heal. In time, she will be only a distance memory. Only then will you be ready to go out to seek for companionship - either in real life or in the fantasy nightlife world of instant gratification, with eyes wide open to realities.

As Human & Sporeans, we must follow this phrase - 拿的上, 放的下 (roughly translated as able to lift up, must be able to let go with no regrets) Clinging on to something that is not worthwhile only makes us emotionally dependent, a weakness that can be easily exploited by others for use & abuse.

All the best to your journey of return to sanity, to the real world for your own & family, loved ones survival..

talkingman 01-06-2022 09:24 AM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Enjoy while it last.

No need to look back.

Take your mind of her and focus on building yourself and a strong heart. I always felt someone that kana KC’ed has some part of them unfulfilled or missing. Only by being able to replace that missing part on your own, will you have a stronger heart.

demonhunter 02-06-2022 03:33 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by cdcdcdc (Post 21120425)
Thank you everyone who has contributed to this post. While it wasn't written in a poetic nor sophisticated fashion, neither was the follow-up post (which I decided to delete because it feels like a 15-16 year old's writing to some readers), this truly has been how I felt at the moment of writing. Bro Williamshakespear got it right and I quote:

I guess he pretty much sums up my experience during these few weeks of "turmoil".

Being infatuated at the start due to special services provided already has a lot to do with me feeling lonely and my level of self-esteem. Truth be told, I have no friends, partly by choice, let alone female counterparts. The jealousy when she posts moments of gifts given by other customers and pictures of her sitting in another customer's car, probably have to with naivety, thinking I'm the special one.

Although I've been active in this scene for a number of years now, I still don't have the maturity to deal with my own emotions, and resorted to chionging even more, even her roommate (probably the biggest waste of money to date), just to get over her. In hindsight, I don't know how finding her roommate would have made me feel better, maybe an avenue for us to find things to quarrel about hence easier to let go perhaps.

Sadly the roommate incident actually made me feel even worse about myself. I do feel like a bad person, provoking her in such a way when all she's done is giving me extras and never asking for more. Don't get me wrong, I do tip her. Call me cheapskate, sheltered, whatever you want, but I always give whatever amount I could give.

But if the intended outcome was to get over her, I'd say visiting the roommate to some extent was money well-spent. Her taking the mickey out of me on Vday, and blaming me further for not waiting an hour for her really pissed me off. And the final straw was in order to make up to her for all the misdeeds I've committed, I'd pay her rent, take her out for a meal and buy her presents. Yea I'm cheapskate, but I was staring down the long road of ruin, considering my own circumstances.

I'm not sure if she ever said anything after I told her I won't be taking her out that night, because I logged out of my wechat for a few days, and understand that wechat only keep unread messages for up to 3 days or something. All I can say is, I think I'm in a better place now. Though not totally out of the woods, cos I do think of those 'special moments' every now and then. But I'm slowly coming to terms that this is something not worth pursuing. Us not talking since then and her not replying to my comments on her moments have helped as well.

At this precise moment, I do feel bad for (1) provoking her by visiting the baby elephant roommate and (2) not making it up to her by paying her rent, take her shopping etc. Wonder if I should just let it go and disappear or give another apology and then disappear.. At the end of the day I do want to wish her well, though visiting her again is unlikely..

Are you out of your fucking mind ???

Paying her rental so that other bros can fuck her still >?

Bring her shopping so she can dress up for others to bang ??

Btw , banging her roomate is not to get over her .... its to get even with her >


demonhunter 02-06-2022 03:37 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
Go to a coffeeshop toilet

choose 1 toilet bowl ,

keep cleaning it , maintain cleanliness

do not refrain anyone from using the toilet bowl . anyone can use it anyway they like .

love the toilet bowl , shower it with care .

stand guard outside .

thats what you are doing the whole time .


bignehneh 02-06-2022 11:55 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by demonhunter (Post 21339662)
Are you out of your fucking mind ???

Paying her rental so that other bros can fuck her still >?

Bring her shopping so she can dress up for others to bang ??

Btw , banging her roomate is not to get over her .... its to get even with her >


If you are a normal worker, you should delete and blacklist her. You can beat those old farks who throw money at girls at hang flower joints

tankerkit 11-06-2022 03:36 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML
wish her well is ok la go ahead no harm done. but stop giving her financial help etc already cut away she wont die so many guys paying for her. she doesnt need a specific one every guy paying is a bonus to her.

there are good girls out there but we have to protect ourselves first.

blackstar69 12-06-2022 08:58 PM

Re: Trying to get over an ML

Originally Posted by demonhunter (Post 21339666)
Go to a coffeeshop toilet

choose 1 toilet bowl ,

keep cleaning it , maintain cleanliness

do not refrain anyone from using the toilet bowl . anyone can use it anyway they like .

love the toilet bowl , shower it with care .

stand guard outside .

thats what you are doing the whole time .


This one damn Zhun in description for those kena KC trap by prc / Thai / viet .

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