The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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crit 06-01-2023 07:32 PM


This is 9 years after the start of Kimmy.

I am recently retired, at the early age of 31. Not very glamorously, in fact very disgracefully by social standards, but not something I am shameful of personally.

A lot has happened between the start of Kimmy and my retirement. I’ve been promoted to the youngest Managing Director in the region, am bringing in hundreds of millions of revenue to the region, and have been paid tens of millions in bonuses alone over the past 9 years for my performance. As a result, I’ve bought myself an expensive cosy open-design studio apartment in downtown Singapore, a supercar and upgraded to a lavish lifestyle.

My Apartment is my pride. There are only three doors in the apartment; one to the only bathroom, a sliding one to the balcony, and the last to exit or enter the apartment. My bedroom, living room, dining table and kitchen are all interconnected without any walls or doors. The colour palettes are light and dark blue, with teak furniture for everything.

crit 06-01-2023 07:33 PM

Re: True
30th December 2022

The Narwal T10 is working overtime, going from one corner to another swiftly. I was dazed, sitting on my sofa staring at the ceiling, and ticking my mental checklist.

Food, check.
Wine, check.
Cleaning, ongoing.

The doorbell rings, breaking my train of thought. I proceed to open the door and was greeted loudly.


Shu pushes the door wide open and lets herself in. She waddles directly to the toilet, swinging the door behind her however the latch fails to catch on and bounces away, leaving the door ajar. Ruffling and pulling down of cotton garments can be heard, the toilet seat slamming against the porcelain surface and then dead silence. The familiar sound of water splashing fills up the entire apartment shortly after.

“Why you so early?”

I asked as she steps out of the toilet.

“Come help you prepare lor.”

“But everything is ready.”

“Oic, then I come see see look look, kepo kepo lor.”

Shu said, as she waddles her way to the sofa in the middle of the room and throws herself on it. The cushions sink towards the pressure point where she landed.

“How many people are coming later?”


“Wah, so many people oh?”

“There’s supposed to be more, but some of them are travelling, so only…”

“Wei, you still keep the bra and panties you took from me?”

She interrupts in a high-pitch, child-like, giggly tone, switching on her cute girlfriend persona.

“I didn’t take it from you hor, you give me one hor”

I replied as I walk towards the queen-size bed at the far left corner of the apartment and retrieve a huge piece of ultra-thin disposable nude panties from the bedstand beside. I toss the panties towards the sofa which Shu caught gracefully.

crit 06-01-2023 07:35 PM

Re: True
“Wahlaoooo! Keep near your bed some more lor!”

She exclaimed, in the same high-pitch, child-like, giggly tone, the voice she always used when she switched on her cute girlfriend persona around me.

“Eeeyerrrrr! You never wash lor! Wahlaoooo! Damn pervert you! Very dirty leh! Disgusting as shit lor!”

She exclaimed again, loudly in the same tone, as she examine the piece of delicate clothing on her hand with a quick sniff.

“Yeah, never wash la. I want to keep your essence there mah.”

Referencing the thick dried-up female discharge that is on the gusset of the panties.

“Tsk! Wahlao. My bra leh?”

I pulled out a piece of massive sports bra immediately after the question from the same bed stand and walk towards her. Dropping her bra onto her hands, she took a sniff at it immediately.

“Never wash also lor”

I nodded in the affirmative as she summons a jolt of body strength and pushes herself off the sofa and waddled towards the bedstand to deposit the delicates back to their original place.

“You not taking it back?”

“No lah, let you keep it so you can use it lor”

She giggles slightly, in the tone of the same persona, before continuing.

“You never keep other girls’ bras and panties hor?”

I shrug with a playful grin.


She screamed as she charge towards me. The body contact sends me back a couple of steps but she knows better than that and grabs onto me.

“Tsk! Why you so pervert one! Wahlao ehhh!”

She began hitting and slapping me, softly yet teasing. I know better what she meant. It was a signal to me. Every time she switches to her cute girlfriend persona, she is always looking for me to comfort her, tease her, console her, and give her the attention she seeks. And I did exactly that. I pull her close and plant a kiss on her lips. Just a tiny peck on the lips. Long enough that we could slightly taste it, but not long enough for us to start a tongue fight. She stares deep into my eyes as I tuck her shoulder-length hair behind her ears. She switches off her persona, I knew a serious question is coming.

crit 06-01-2023 07:36 PM

Re: True
“Will suspicious or not, if I am here?”

“No, it won't!”

I plant a short peck on her lips, one where I ended it by sucking off her lower lips.

“Who is going to be here?”

She plants a return peck on my lips. Just a short one.

“Jeff, Ian, Andrew, and their wives.”

I grab the back of her thick neck with my right hand as I guide her big round face towards mine. I plant the 4th peck on her lips. This time she perks her lips to receive the incoming kiss.

“Elaine, Naomi too.”

“So basically all the bosses will be here lah.”

I nodded in the affirmative, as I slowly move my hands towards her broad shoulders, stroking them gently, feeling every single thread on her dark cotton blouse.

“Shiok lor, Naomi will be here. She surely dress sexy sexy lor. You enjoy lor!”

She said, with a tiny hint of jealousy. And I know she is jealous. No persona tone, just her soft vulnerable voice. But I could not fathom it. Why would she be jealous? After all, she is just an Executive Assistant to me. We are not dating at all. However, our recent escapades in and outside of the office have given her some sort of false expectation of reality. The rumours of us being an item that is circulating within that office did not help with quelling this expectation as well.

“Only want to look at you, not her!”

Nevertheless, I reassured her as I place both my arms on her waist. Digging my index fingers into the waistbands of her soft lace trim wide-leg shorts, with the tip of my finger coming into contact with the elastic waistband of her cheap cotton panties.

“And no one will suspect a single thing.”

She looks at me deep into my eyes, getting a surge of comfort from my reassurance. Without giving a warning, I push my hand into the back of her cheap cotton panties and grab a handful of her huge, meaty butt. She let off a tiny squeal as I forced my tongue into her mouth.

crit 06-01-2023 07:40 PM

Re: True
I had to double down regardless. I invited her to a private senior management-only gathering at my place. She had no reason to be here, so there is no way it is not suspicious, no matter how many ways one can spin it. None of the senior management colleagues attending the gathering has invited their Executive Assistant except for me. But I did it, I invited my Executive Assistant without informing the other guests. My ego had gotten the better of me. This was a weird power trip, to invite all my bosses to my multi-million-dollar apartment, one which has been paid for by the same company they work for, for a private gathering. On top of that, I invited my Executive Assistant along as well, who has gotten really close to me in the office recently, to the extent it had fueled many unwanted rumours in the office.

This is my weird way of flexing my wealth, apartment, and showing my bosses who the real indispensable rainmaker is.

Shu’s back was pressed up against the floor-to-ceiling windows. With the warm sunset shining on her back, we continue to lock in a tongue fight for the past 5 minutes, exchanging mouthfuls of saliva, sucking on and tasting each others’ tongues. My hands were moving from underneath her cotton blouse fondling her massive breasts over those night-market-bought heavy-duty embroidered floral lace bra she wore to the drenched hairy intersection of her thick thighs under her panties. Her huge jiggly stomach pressed against mine while both her hands grabbed firmly on my hair.

“Okay, we have to stop now.”

I said while pulling my tongue out of her mouth. She begins to pout like a little child.

“I want more!”

“Not now, you have to go wait downstairs until some of the guests have arrived before you can show up. If not, it would look very weird if they come in and see you here already!”

“Don’t want!”

She stomps her feet and continues to pout as I readjust the erection inside my boxers, which is giving me a cooling sensation from the huge wet pre-cum spot.

“乖, don’t be like this.”

She continues pouting as I plant a kiss on her forehead.

“Take my keys and go wait in the car for a while.”

“Don’t like your car! So low! Uncomfortable leh!”

I slapped her butt 2 times, prompting her to move along as she slowly readjust her clothing and waddled towards the coffee table and fished out my car keys from the wooden bowl on it.

“I message you later okay? Then you come up!”

I said to Shu softly. She nodded obediently and blow a kiss my way before waddling out of the apartment. I composed myself and gave a call to the exotic Italian cafe near my place to check up on the status of a couple of hand-made pizzas and oily deep-fried finger foods I had ordered.

funfox 06-01-2023 10:05 PM

Re: True
Interesting. Keep going bro 👍🏼

Whelan5 07-01-2023 05:20 PM

Re: True
Very good start TS. Camping here ...

CANCAN88 07-01-2023 08:00 PM

Re: True
Swee camping for more

crit 07-01-2023 09:17 PM

Re: True
Within the next thirty minutes, the first guest shows up. Follow by the second, and the third. The food arrives shortly after the fifth guest. Everyone was fine with the slight delay in the arrival of the food. After all, everyone had a glass of Joseph Phelps Insignia in their hand. The apartment has livened up plenty, quite a welcoming sight from the otherwise cold and silent atmosphere I mostly had. Everyone was busy exchanging pleasantry and learning more about each other personally, something that would not happen in the office.

The doorbell rings and there was no surprise to me who the sixth guest is. Shu lets herself in after I open the door and she waddles confidently towards the bar on the other end of the apartment and fetches herself a drink. All the other colleagues were clearly confused or surprised, as they stare at her with intrigue. I double-down on my hosting, trying to distract my guest from Shu’s presence as the remaining guests arrived to the surprise of her presence as well.

Deep into the evening. The volume in the apartment had reached its peak. Everyone was getting familiar with and having a good time as giggles and laughs filled the rooms. Shu was doing surprisingly well with everyone, working on her 4th glass of wine for the evening as she began to speak and laugh more confidently. Our colleagues have also somehow warmed up to her, giving in to her misplaced presence at the event. Maybe to stay courteous and professional, all the guests had put her awkward presence out of their minds and socialised normally with and around her.

About 3 hours into the gathering, Shu starts to wobble slightly as she walks. Her big round cheeks are now fully flushed, her eyes bloodshot as she starts to speak and laugh more loudly, a clear sign that she has gone past the tipsy phase into the drunken phase.

“I’m so happy!”

She blurbs out those 3 words, interrupting my conversation as she walks in between me, my direct report, Global CAPEX Projects Divison, Senior Managing Director and his wife. I was caught surprised by her rudeness, however, my direct report is much more graceful.

crit 07-01-2023 09:18 PM

Re: True
“Well, someone had too much to drink!”

He said, with a smile on his face while his wife shows genuine concern.

“Are you feeling okay? Maybe some water?”

She asks softly while placing her hand on Shu’s elbow.

“Of course I am okay. You know! I am so happy now!”

Shu responds, at a higher decibel than the volume we were at.

“Oh, okay. Let’s go and have a seat.”

I placed both my hands on Shu’s elbows, with my chest acting as a pillar for her thick wobbly body. Both my direct report and his wife gave a subtle reaction in their eyes, questioning the intimate energy I give off as I place my arm on her. I excused myself politely from the conversation I had with my direct report and his wife and tended to Shu. I placed her on my queen-size bed in the far corner of the tiny apartment.

“You feeling okay?”

I asked as she gives me a big, wide smile spread across her thick round cheeks. Her eyes are half shut. The surrounding soft feather mattress is conforming towards the pressure of her butt resting on them.

“Of course!”

Her girlfriend persona is back on.

Her hair was still neatly tucked behind her ears. Her face fully flushed as her blouse has slightly displaced on her shoulder, revealing a tiny hint of the nude lacey bra straps. Her lace trim wide legs shorts are pulled up near her pelvis area, revealing most of her thick, wide-shaven thighs. A memory deep in my brain was ignited, with those thighs cupping my ears while I suck and pull on those flabby lips as waves of thick sticky discharge smeared my mouth. A wild perverted beast catalyst by the alcohol has woken up inside me. The cooling sensation in my boxers has come back quickly as my pre-cum moistens the now-dried spot from before.

I am tempted to stroke her thigh, but I cannot do it. I can sense all the glares from the corner of their eyes from the back of my body, all pointed towards our direction, observing our every single move. I fought the urge and lay her down on my bed. Pulling the covers over her to make her more comfortable, I realized I had made a big mistake by doing that. Putting one’s personal covers over someone else is a display of clear intimacy, especially between two opposite sexes. I ignored all the unwanted stares, which by now I am sure have been burning a deep hole behind my back.

crit 07-01-2023 09:19 PM

Re: True
“Take a quick nap okay?”

I said softly to Shu, giving her comfort that she is safe and warm on my bed.

“I’m very wet now leh.”

She said, eyes half shut and giggling in her girlfriend persona.

“How come?”

“From just now lor, you kept touching me all over. Then the smell of your car also.”


Shu nods, with a smile as she cosies up under my thick covers.

Alcohol definitely contributed towards my next action. All rationale, reason and professionalism had left my body. I climb onto my bed and into the covers with Shu, spooning her from behind as we face the main living room where all the guests are. At this point, the conversation’s volume had dropped several levels as most of the guests were directing their attention towards our bed, located in the corner of the open-designed apartment, with no walls, doors or privacy shade between us. All that was protecting our modesty is the thick silk covers on top of us.

I can sense Shu’s heartbeat increasing. Her body began to warm up as I place my left hand on her waist under the covers. She was still awake definitely, her body was fidgeting slightly to signal the discomfort and awkwardness.

“Don’t move! Just relax!”

I whisper softly to her. I can sense an affirmative nod from her head bobbing on the soft feather pillow. In one fell swoop, I unzipped my pants and retrieved my erect penis from the boxers’ pee holes. Sensing it was poking at her butt, she moves her pelvis slightly forward, away from me.

“Don’t move! Just pretend you are asleep!”

I whispered softly to her. My hands firmly held onto the wide waist, attempting to pin her to her position.

There was no movement from the smaller spoon but her body temperature increases drastically. Her heartbeat thumps faster than ever as I feel it from her back with my chest pressed against it. I used my left hand to guide my penis towards the wide-leg holes of her trim shorts, with my tip coming into contact with the soaked gusset of her panties.

The volume in the apartment at this point had softened to a whisper.

“Are you seeing this?”

“What are they doing?”


Soft whispers could be heard from the middle of the apartment.

I was close to having a heart attack, My chest tighten up as all the blood from my body has left its initial position and gathered at my pelvis. I hear a loud ringing voice in my head as I fail to logic with myself. I kept pushing my penis awkwardly towards the drenched gusset, as if attempting to tear it apart like a gate, to enter and stomp the warm and moisten intimate palace within.

But to no avail. The gusset remains in place firmly protecting the flooded cave within. It just would not slide aside.

crit 07-01-2023 09:19 PM

Re: True
Without prompting, Shu lifted her thick left thigh slightly and with her left hand, she subtly yet forcefully pulls her cheap panties aside from inside the covers and her shorts, allowing my penis to find her entrance. Heavily lubricated, my penis went straight in without any friction. The movement from inside the covers had to be very obvious from the living room. Anyone who is not a virgin and had the commonsense of a teenager, (which my guest definitely has considering they are the top percentile in our industry,) will definitely be able to tell the movements from under the covers was that a female repositioning her clothing to allow a male to penetrate her.

The noise volume in the apartment dropped to dead silent. Everyone was staring directly at the bed.

Holding on to Shu’s waist, I thrust my pelvis forward. Jabbing her with my penis slowly, steadily and firmly under the covers.

“What are you doing?”

Someone asked loudly, pointing the question towards the bed.

“Don’t move. Pretend you are asleep!”

I whisper across to Shu as I kept thrusting my pelvis forward, slowly, firmly and steadily under the covers,

Sound of wine glasses coming in contact with wooden surfaces, followed by footsteps, the door swinging open and footsteps exiting the apartment can be heard. The awkwardness and discomfort had reached an extreme level of harassment. All suspicion had been quelled. It was clear as daylight I was making love to Shu underneath the covers, in front of all my bosses in my own apartment.

“You can’t be serious!”

Two more walked out of the apartment.

I open my eyes slightly to confirm the activity in the living room. I saw the back of Shu’s head in front of me, her hair on my face, her broad shoulders peaking out of her covers, shaking from each impact of my thrust. From the corner of my eye, I catch Naomi on my sofa. Her eyes were wide and mouth ajar, her face pale as if she has seen a ghost. She placed the nearly empty glass of red wine on the wooden coffee table, stood up, pulls the hem of her tight short white dress lower to cover her knees as if to protect her modesty in the midst of an uncomfortable situation. She picks up her purse from the same table, turns around and walks off. Her half-cheeked panty lines can be seen clearly from her tight dress.

crit 07-01-2023 09:20 PM

Re: True
All the remaining guests had left the apartment. The door is still wide open as the guests are too dishevelled to even close it upon their exit. Knowing I have my privacy back unless someone walks past my apartment, I put more force into my action, aggressively thrusting into Shu.


She started whimpering from her tightly shut lips from the increased pleasure and force.

“Everyone has left baby, you can moan now.”

And she began moaning in her girlfriend persona. So high-pitched that one could easily mistake it for a JAV actress. I trust forward for about 5-6 more cycles before all the air in the apartment got sucked out and turned into a complete vacuum. The ringing in my ears got louder as my body feels a sensational buzz. The images of Naomi standing up, adjusting her short dress and walking out of the apartment kept replaying in my mind as I unloaded inside Shu. I could not pace myself to last any longer. All the air returns back into the apartment as the ringing in my ears softens into dead silence. I pull out and lay flat on my back, completely dazed.

“You shoot inside me?”

Dazed; my eyes were still connected to the warm glow emitting from the lighting feature on top of my bed.

“Everyone saw us do it right?”

Shu asks again, without receiving an answer to her first question. I pull myself off my bed and walk towards the sliding door of my balcony as I stare into the night view of Metropolis Singapore. I had pulled the entire cover with me as I use it to clean my lower half. It seems the adrenaline had taken all the alcohol off my body. I feel sober as a monk and my mind is clear as day.


She asks, trying to pull an answer out of me. I snap out of my daze as I look at her, sitting on my bed with her thick short legs crossed, her blouse wrapping tightly around her stomach layers. Her face frowning from what had happened.

“Did you cummed?”

I asked, ignoring her questions.

crit 07-01-2023 09:20 PM

Re: True
“I’m asking you what to do now leh! You not worry meh?”

“Why worry?”

“We just did that in front of all of our boss leh! You don’t need this job but I need leh!”

She exclaimed with a cracked voice, almost with tears in her eyes.

“Look! You don’t have to worry!”

I said, with a lot of confidence.

“I brought in 40% of the company’s revenue last quarter alone. You know that because you did my reporting. What you worry about? You scare they fire me? Their top money maker? If they fire me, they not only lose revenue but also all the clients and pipeline I had built for them.”

She stares at me silently, her body loosens up slightly from the distress.

“I am their Southeast Asia office. Me alone! Nothing will happen.”

I wave my hand aggressively at her. She nods at me.

“I won’t let them fire you too!”

She nods at me again, more comfortable.

“We can get a morning-after pill for tomorrow, sorry I shoot inside you.”

She looks at me without acknowledging me, while softly wiping her privates with her hands. I signal her to come to me. She wiggles her way from the middle of my bed to the corner, pushes her thick heavy body off the bed and walks into my embrace. My arms wrap around her thick waist; my hands are just barely able to meet each other on the other side. She buries her large face into my cagey chest and took a deep sniff of my scent. I can sense her body loosening up a lot in my embrace.

“Did you cum just now?”

She unburies her face from my chest and pouted at me.


She shakes her head and pouts harder. Her girlfriend persona is back.

“You still want to cum?”

She nods her head happily, the same response you get if you ask a 4-year-old if they wanted ice cream. Upon her response, I pull down my pants and boxers. My penis drifted limply from side to side. She pulls down and dropped her laced-trim shorts and panties in one fell swoop, breaking a long rope of thick milky discharge between her bushy privates and the gusset of her panties. She was anticipating the penetration, however, I am not hard yet but she knows what to do. She got down on her knees and tied her hair up in a messy bun. Slapping my thigh softly as a signal for me to spread my legs wider apart for her. I obliged, in a Cristiano Ronaldo freekick stance, both hands on my waist. A cold breeze hits my butt cheeks, I realized the door is still wide open.

Her cold soft hands lifted my penis and wrinkly sack up as her warm tongue come in contact with my hairy anus. She moans in pleasure, working on my anus as I continue to stare into the bright lights of the Metropolis against the dark skies of Singapore. What a fucking end to the last Friday of 2022.

crit 07-01-2023 09:21 PM

Re: True
Three Days Later

My phone starts beeping from a surge of notifications from incoming emails and WhatsApp messages. The electric-powered curtains had opened up hours ago as timed, as the morning sun hits my pale skin. The floor-to-ceiling windows did very little to prevent that.

Hey, they tell me 2 clear ur pm meetings…

They want me to schedule a f2f with u…

130pm at Yankee

U there? We gna b ok?


5 WhatsApp notifications from Shu. And a couple more schedules emails in my inbox. I knew she is panicking on the other side, heavily. I did not feel good about the rescheduling, especially on a Monday afternoon. Management does not reschedule my Monday meetings unless it is mission-critical, and nothing is mission-critical on the first working day of the new year. In fact, I never felt good on the Friday before. Never had given myself a chance to survive professionally after pulling off such an escapade, but I needed to stop Shu’s hysteria.

I went to the office, straight into Yankee for my meeting at 1:45 pm that day and was forced to resign from the company due to “potentially causing irreparable harm to the reputation of the company and brand, and causing distress among colleagues due to my unacceptable and rogue behaviour.” I was asked to immediately exit the building discreetly, the company will not be pressing charges for everything that happened, and I was placed on a 72-hour gag order, essentially not allowing me to speak about this to any of my colleagues. My lawyer did a fantastic job getting those terms agreed.

At 5:30 pm that day, I received another WhatsApp message.

They juz fired me!


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